Sitting with God

 After reading John 4, I came across a Baptist Pastor who talked of this same event. My tears fell as his conviction of Jesus penetrated my soul. His sermon and John 4 is about the woman at the well. That one woman. The one that had to have been completely dry inside, unlike the well she was fetching water from.  Jesus was weary. Tired. Exhausted. It was around noon when he sat at the well. The Samaritan woman arrived with her pale to draw up the water. After the Savior asked for water and while she was working through her shock of this Jew talking to her, a Samaritan "Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither." 

It struck my heart to read "I have no husband." This woman had five past husbands and a current man in her life who she was not married to. Whew! I don't know the details of what happened there or how she managed to go through five husbands. This woman was thirsty. Perhaps, in my way of relating to her- absolutely exhausted. Tired. Alone. Afraid. Empty. Walking through life with empty eyes and a hollowness within her belly. Her soul must have felt something as Jesus was talking to her. The disciples showed up and were surprised to see Their Master talking with a Samaritan woman. "Why talkest thou with her?" Wow! Being so judged as a Samaritan woman had to be nothing shy of hurtful. The woman left to tell the others from her village that she had just met the Jesus they have been waiting for. This is one of my most favorite chapters in the bible. I have many. The Savior preached to the people that the woman brought back to him and they believed. He went from place to place teaching of the Father and his role. This is the beginning of Christ performing miracles. In this chapter the first miracle was when the Savior turned water into wine. The second miracle was healing the son of a nobleman. This one chapter has so much in it. 

Back to the beginning of the chapter where the woman at the well was talked of and where I related today. Sitting with the Savior. The Savior sat down at the well. Not because he needed rest, but because she did. Sure, the Savior was weary from his travels and hungry. He sat at the well while his disciples went to get food. He sat there for a purpose. His whole life that was written of him was of purpose. He didn't just sit. He lived his life with purpose, intention, and complete awareness. This is what I love so much about the Savior. Not only will he fight for me and die for me, but that he will sit with me. Sit. He knows my struggle before I tell him. Just like he knew of the woman's. I cried this morning as I read that chapter and listened to the sermon because I believed that for myself. He sits. This woman at the well had been tossed around. I could imagine her trust with men was bleak and to have a Jewish man talk to her, may have felt way weird. She believed. She trusted. She knew. I am tired. I am so tired that I am just sitting. Longing. I believe when you sit with Jesus, you will see with Jesus. You will see in yourself what He sees in you. I am feeling this now. This morning. I have been dehydrated looking for empty wells to quench my thirst. I had forgotten the peace and reassurance of acceptance that the Savior provides to me. Like I said in the beginning of this blog that I have felt forgotten and somewhat left behind. Those feelings are accurate and I did feel that way. It was a feeling of being tired and weary. A feeling of restlessness. A feeling of searching for a man's love, support, and complete acceptance. This was a deception of what living water is. My focus is to be reminded of my worth through His eyes. To sit with Him. The walk to my well of water has been long and exhausting, but I am getting closer and I am tasting the fresh water as it slides into my soul. 


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