I'm learning that withdrawal is something experienced with anything you've relied on and it's immediately taken away. There are different ways something is taken away from you. I heard from a friend "you want to know how to make someone go absolutely insane? - Give them something they love and then take it away."
I am in the process of removing things from my life that cause a reaction that is uncomfortable. Allowing myself to feel the withdrawal because I choose it.
Dear Instagram and Facebook,
Wow! I have over 1,000 friends with you. I care about them and like their posts so they know I care about them. My world is so small with you and it's been my world for years. I deleted you July 28 and it has felt strange without you. A little bit of a world flip. I woke up at 3:30am and permanently deleted my account and hiked Mount Raymond. Wow! What a beautiful world and incredible view. My world that I saw in front of me was incomprehensibly massive. Where have I been? The withdrawal from you has me putting one foot in front of the other to see how big my world truly is.
Dear Party Friends,
River floats, late night laughing, head thumping music, tears (irrational tears), morning anxiety, next day conversations that are repeated words of regret, loss. I have a few party friends lingering and it's time to say I'll see you on the flipside. I have loved you and I have experienced things I never would have without you, but my laughter has grown quiet and the sounds that would echo from the roaring laughing my entire being would experience has been replaced with peace. Lonely at times, yes. I feel alone quite often now, but since letting most go and now the rest, I have experienced challenges that I should have experienced being friends with you. I wouldn't have survived them though. I quit a high paying and successful job. I was fired from my next because of a "culture difference and my personality test results". Ouch. Y'all accepted me completely and now this world I've replaced you with is cutthroat and I don't always reach their bar.
Dear World Bar,
I have an internal fight to always reach for you. I want to be the best bar reacher ever! Not anymore though. You are competitive and draining. You burned me out. I am currently experiencing the burnout from you. Since letting you go, I have gone through an intense audit that reviewed my last 5 years of being with you. I had to prove that I did it for 5 years. Yesterday, August 2, I received the "Your application has been accepted. You have 365 days remaining to pay for, schedule and take your exam." There are absolutely no words that could reiterate the tears that fell from my face of fighting for 5+ years to read those words. It is today, August 3 that I have been officially divorced for 7 years. I woke up at 6am and reached over to touch my 11 year-old's hand who was sleeping next to me. Thinking about these last 7 years causes such an intense reaction that I immediately get a bellyache and if I sat in front of the toilet, I would throw up. You are a withdrawal that has me exhausted to the point of never wanting to meet you again.
Dear Love,
My love, you have carried me through. Loving and the hope for it in return kept me going. I'm so sorry that I was so afraid of the withdrawals of other things that I neglected to appreciate what you truly provided for me. The withdrawal of you was so intense that it has made the withdrawal from others feel much smaller. Writing to World Bar made me queasy, but my love, writing to you had me just hugging the toilet. My dear Juliana brought me cold water to drink after not being able to hold my sickness back.
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