
 I was sitting on my couch just thinking. That's what I do now. I think and I think and I think. Just as Winnie the Pooh would do while squinting his eyes and tapping the side of his head as if searching for an answer while saying "think, think, think". The concept of the pendulum popped into my mind. I have heard people say that "the pendulum swings to the other side", as if to describe what once was positive now became a negative or vice versa. I thought about that and it just didn't sit right with me. I googled "what makes the pendulum swing?" There are 6 forms of energy, but I want to write about the 2 forms that are used in a pendulum. There is an energy that is called "potential energy" and there is another energy called "kinetic energy". These two forms of energy make the pendulum swing. Now, if you think about potential and what we define that as... it is the idea of becoming better than what is. So, we all have this "potential" to become something better but is it enough to sit at potential? Now that you know that you have the potential to become something better, what is the drive to move in that direction? That is what kinetic energy is to the pendulum swing. It is the driving force to move what was once potential energy. Have I lost you yet? Please be patient with me and keep reading.

Potential energy sits at zero. It is not a positive nor a negative. It is still. It is nothing. It is the hanging ball from the pendulum with no movement. If you see a pendulum on someones desk and the ball isn't moving, are you tempted to pull it back and let it swing like I am? Why is it so amusing to watch a ball swing back and forth? I could get lost in just watching it swing. What is so beautiful about these two forms of energy is that it must always be a zero or a positive. Kinetic energy is never a negative. It can't be. It would defy it's very purpose and meaning. So when people say that the pendulum must swing to the other side in order to keep balance, they are misinformed. There is no real balance here. It begins at a zero and it doesn't matter to which side the pendulum swings, whether left or right, or forward or backward it will always be a positive. Google it. I'm not wrong. Kinetic energy is based on motion and motion is never a negative. 

I have this potential, just like you, to become a better version of myself. We are in motion. We are alive so we are always in motion. What if we looked at life a little more like a pendulum? If we are in constant motion can it be so bad? If we make mistakes but we are still in motion with potential, could it be so bad? I am soul searching and I am sitting with my "potential". I am realizing that love is not just defined as an action, but it is seeing potential in others and being the steady frame that holds them up as they swing. Like us, the pendulum's potential and kinetic energy are always present and when in motion- always a positive. We have to move our own internal pendulum because nobody can do it for us. We can only provide someone with the supportive hope to what they already know about themselves. You are the force by which you achieve greatness and reach your max potential to find that there is even more potential. And so, the dance of the internal pendulum can't stop. There will always remain potential. Keep moving, my loves. Keep reaching and finding those who put you in motion and see your potential. Most importantly, give hope. Seek peace and search for potential in others and help them see it themself. It's a gift I was given. I hold it close and I'm moving. I am swinging.


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