
Showing posts from February, 2021


 I was sitting on my couch just thinking. That's what I do now. I think and I think and I think. Just as Winnie the Pooh would do while squinting his eyes and tapping the side of his head as if searching for an answer while saying "think, think, think". The concept of the pendulum popped into my mind. I have heard people say that "the pendulum swings to the other side", as if to describe what once was positive now became a negative or vice versa. I thought about that and it just didn't sit right with me. I googled "what makes the pendulum swing?" There are 6 forms of energy, but I want to write about the 2 forms that are used in a pendulum. There is an energy that is called "potential energy" and there is another energy called "kinetic energy". These two forms of energy make the pendulum swing. Now, if you think about potential and what we define that as... it is the idea of becoming better than what is. So, we all have this &qu


 I have been working with our family dog, V. I've had a lot of free time at night to do this. I have had some interesting and life changing perspectives as I have worked with her. I had a lot of frustration with her in the beginning. She wasn't a breed that I had done any research on and I thought that I would like a velcro dog that just wants to be with me all of the time. Like, a little shadow buddy. It was too much too fast. I wanted to figure out why I thought this dog would be good for me and our home.  "UGH- V! You're so damn needy for attention and it bothers me that you get mega offended when you don't get what you want!"  When I said that out loud to her she just looked me straight in the eyes. I quickly apologized to her and that was the beginning of our relationship. Yes, her eyes told me that she is just a reflection of my worst behavior. I started to study her and stopped trying to get her to bend to me. What a life changing experiment and it'